Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Health Benefits of Organic Agriculture

        Organic food contributes to better health and no doubt the benefits are numerous of organic food. Organic food contributes to better health through reduced pesticide exposure for all and increased nutritional quality of the organic food. Organic food not only helps the consumers of organic food but also the producers or farmers which are exposed less to the pesticides etc.

        There are several studies emphasizing that organic food is good for health  and these studies have increased the hopes of numerous people who strongly believe that mankind should stop using chemical fertilizers and pesticides and shift to more sustainable organic farming practices helping the mankind. There are harmful affects of using pesticides in growing food and though we understand that they are being used in order to keep crops from being attacked by the natural world, including bugs and pesticides. Pesticides do a good job keeping certain pests away from the crops, they also are composed of powerful chemicals like organophosphorus.

        This is an unnatural mineral compound that is not required by humans, but more than 80% of this material in our bodies comes from eating pesticide-coated foods. Since organic food is not prepared using any such chemical fertilizers, it does not contain any traces of these chemicals and might not affect the human body in a negative way. Natural fertilizers, like manure, work perfectly fine, and organic farmers are happy to use this smellier, yet safer, form of fertilizer. So what we can say is that as against the modern and conventional agricultural methods, organic farming does not depend on powerful synthetic chemicals and rather utilizes natural, biological methods to build up soil fertility such as microbial activity boosting plant nutrition so organic food is the best way of living for a healthy life and a healthier society.

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