Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some of the must-use organic edible oils with benefits galore

Natural products are being used by a large number of people today as there are lots of health benefits in them. Organic oils too are mostly used in Indian and global kitchens today on a regular basis. These extracts are highly preferred because they do not contain any additives, preservatives or chemical substances. Apart from cooking purposes, these also prove to be great beauty products as well.  Prolonged consumption of such ingredients helps people to keep their mind and body in an active state always.
If you are prone to heart diseases and degeneration of bones, it is highly likely that your doctor would recommend you to include any organic edible oil in your food. Many researches were conducted in the US and it was found out that women who consume these ingredients regularly are less prone to deadly diseases like ovarian cancer. Doctors all over the world are asking people to refrain from using processed extracts completely.
However, this doesn’t mean that these natural liquid extracts are a strict no-no at all. Food indeed gets tasty when it is fried or nicely sautéed.  There are now many an organic edible oil to choose from for people who love their fried foods. Natural grape seed liquid extract is the best choice when it comes to frying foods. This is relatively new in the Indian market, but many international super markets have started stocking this ingredient. The cholesterol levels of this compound are very low and hence it is absolutely safe for the heart.
Coconut liquid extract is another commonly- used ingredient in one’s kitchen today. However the processed extract that is available easily in all the stores today has a lot of fat in it. Hence, one must be very careful to choose only the extra virgin coconut variety, which is the unprocessed kind. This is mostly used as a substitute of cooking butter as it is not only healthy, but also has a wonderful taste.
Extra Virgin Olive seed extract is one of the most famous organic oils available in the Indian and international stores today. Many people have switched to this olive product today for cooking, as this has lower fat content in it. Similarly natural extracts of sunflower, natural peanut, natural groundnut, natural mustard, and natural sesame are used regularly by people today. There is an increased awareness about the dangers of using processed plant extract for eating and cooking and therefore the sales of these natural products have increased phenomenally over the years all over the world.